Wow, we are in October already, can you believe it?
This month, I am writing one of the most important letters I have ever written. A few weeks ago, a good, former-next-door neighbor texted me early in the morning to tell me that her 21 year old daughter had been killed in an automobile accident. My wife and I had known the daughter since birth and we were crushed about the news.
The first part of this message has to do with seat belts. She WAS NOT wearing a seat belt when the single car accident occurred and was thrown from the car and instantly killed. PLEASE MAKE EVERYONE you know wears a seat belt because having seen the grief that the mother went through is something that no one should EVER go through. The old saying comes to mind of, Parents aren’t suppose to bury their children, but our friend had to. PLEASE WEAR SEAT BELTS ALL THE TIME.
The second part of this message is something that I am also sad but happy to pass on to everyone to think about. 20 years ago I talked to the mom about a child Life Insurance policy. She purchased a policy for her daughter because of the “what if’s of life” and also future benefits of life insurance. Unfortunately the life policy will payout a death benefit but fortunately due to the benefits of the policy the mom will be able to pay all the expenses for the funeral etc. without there being a financial hardship on the remaining family.
Here at the agency, there is myself, Ryan Harris, Stephen Harris and Sean Malkasian that can help everyone interested in exploring life insurance options for anyone from parents down to babies. We are all licensed to sell and consult on life insurance needs. Please give us a call so we can provide protection for yourselves and family members.
It is better to plan than to struggle because if something happens, it is too late.
Thanks again for your trust in the agency.
